Assist-Personal Activities
Tailored Assistance with NDIS Personal Activity in Melbourne
Providing assistance with personal activity is not anybody’s job. It is not any vanity service that an individual with impairment looks forward to receiving. The very existence of the individual depends on the success or failure of the assistance with personal activity. In other words, the quality of life the person will lead will depend on the degree of expertise demonstrated by the support and care service provider and their support personnel.

That is why, you need to pick up the very best when you look for a NDIS support and care provider. What better name can you look for than Guardian Health Care if you are in Melbourne. With years of experience and a team of highly skilled, dedicated and qualified support workers, we always make a difference in terms of perfection and professionalism, as a NDIS support and care provider in Melbourne.

What makes our assistance with NDIS Personal Activity in Melbourne Unique?
We understand that mere perfection and professionalism does ot suffice the needs of the NDIS participants. That’s why our support workers serve not only with professionalism, but with care, compassion and affection. This makes all the difference in the lives of the participant.

It is imperative that there is no one-size-fits-all rule when it comes to support services because every person has a different style. As a result, we will take into account the participant’s lifestyle, as well as their objectives, desires, and socioeconomic background. This aids in the creation of extremely successful care and support plans that are adapted to each participant’s specific needs.

All our support workers are dedicated, flexible and are available 24×7 as well as for a specific period of time, depending on the type and gravity of support needed by the participants.

What is our assistance with NDIS Personal Activity in Melbourne?
We offer a rather holistic assistance with NDIS personal activities in Melbourne, which will include but is not limited to:
  • Maintenance of personal hygiene including bathing and showering, brushing teeth, clothing, and grooming.
  • Dressing, Toileting, bowel control, and bladder control are examples of personal hygiene.
  • Preparation of meals, eating and drinking
  • Getting in and out of the bed
  • Moving around the house
  • Timely medication as per the prescription
  • Keeping doctor’s appointments
  • Using appliances, communication gadgets, hearing aids etc.
Contact us to lead a renewed life
Call us to book an appointment with our experts. You can also get your queries resolved by emailing us. We will get back to you immediately.